There are some who hate the first Expendables and some who don't. I fall into the don't hate it category. But to those who do, I can't really argue. It's not a very well made movie with an even worse script. But the nostalgia was enough for me. I loved seeing Stallone on the big screen again, no matter the quality of the final product. As such were my feeling going into the sequel.
So imagine my surprise when the movie turned out to be legitimately awesome, and better than the original in almost every way.
In fact, the opening sequence has bigger and better action than anything found in the original. Thankfully, the movie keeps up that momentum for most of the movie and only occasionally gets bogged down for exposition or poor character development.
Aside from the action, I honestly feel the best asset the film has is it's camaraderie. This time around it actually kind of felt like these guys had history together, and I don't just mean the first movie, ya twits. There's a certain moment where Statham and Stallone are about to face a giant of a man, and right before they share some playful words that hint at past experiences and give some credibility to the friendship. Even Dolph gets some backstory that's actually plucked straight from his actual past. It's nothing major on either instance, but still nice bits that help add to the fun of watching these guys together.
The absolute best thing about this movie though is without a doubt, JCVD. First, he is a villain named Vilain. LITERALLY. Aside from that masterstroke, JCVD absolutely kills in the movie, relishing every moment he has. Also, the fight between him and Stallone was legitimately brutal and proves that we need more JCVD ASAP!
As for the rest of the crew, Terry Crews again steals every scene he's in. However, Jet Li and Randy Couture are barely in the damn thing. They both get a moment to shine, but other than that they really weren't given much to do. Normally that would bug me, but everyone else got such good moments that it didn't really phase me. Statham in particular gets an awesomely intense fight with Scott Adkinds that had me gripping my chair.
Also, Chuck Norris says a Chuck Norris joke.
If you're wondering why I haven't mention Chris Hemsworth ( AKA the lesser Hemsworth), its because he is utterly useless in the movie. His character is actually what helps set the main plot of the movie in motion, but ultimately thats all he feels like, something to get point A to point B.
The only other real disappointment has to go to Schwarzenegger. Unlike the last film, him and Willis actually get in on the action and when it finally happens it really is awesome to see the three icons kick ass together. However, more than anyone, Schwarzenegger was riding on his own coattails. I mean, he says "I'll be back" or a variation of at least three times, and it's really getting old (ahem). That being said, it really was incredible to see Willis, Stallone and Schwarzenegger fire automatic weapons at people, and I hope Schwarzenegger finds his groove again, because I want nothing more than to see him and Stallone both dominating the big screen again.
Even if you only kind of liked the first one, give this one a shot. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how good a time you will have.
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