Because I just know you are dying to hear what my Top Ten movies of 2011 were a full 3 months too late, I figured I'd appease your waiting and finally get back on here to share.
Overall, I think it was a fairly sub-par year for movies in general. In fact, there was only one movie that really stayed with me, creeping back in my mind months after I'd first seen it. That's not to say that there weren't a lot of really good movies, but not nearly enough that had a serious impact on my movie-loving mind.
Before I do get into my favorites though, I must admit that there are still quite a few that I have yet to see. Take Shelter, Meloncholia, Marcy Martha May Marlene, Real Steel, and Contagion just to name a few. I still plan on eventually seeing these and other titles from last year and if any should resonate I'll come back here and share.
But for now, here my ten favorite movies from 2011.
10. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2- This is the second year in a row that an HP film has crept into the top ten, and rightfully so. The series was already a tremendous achievement even if they weren't able to stick the landing 100%, but somehow, after 10 years and 7 increasingly great films, they did it. Every character, old and new alike, had great moments of both action and closure, making sure to hit all the right emotional buttons while somehow also avoiding a LOTR trap of the ending overstaying its welcome. Bravo.
9. Rise of the Planet of the Apes- I'll admit to being somewhat skeptical with this one at first, even with the incredible WETA effects. Don't get me wrong, I love Serkis and Franco, and the trailers were great, but I had a feeling that it just wasn't going to come together. Shit, man. I was so wrong. There is still a lot of the movie that doesn't quite gel, specifically anything that has to do with Franco or any human for that matter, but when it focuses on Ceasar, this movie is a damn near science fiction masterpiece. The whole movie is a great slow build to the eventual rise, and when it finally arrives, my heart rate skyrockets. I was genuinely terrified and in awe at the image of Ceasar on a horse. I cannot wait to see where they go with the sequel.
8. Midnight in Paris- This was a late edition to the list, as I just watched it last week, but Woody Allen's charming fairy tale was, and forgive me, just utterly irresistible. I'm sorry, I know that line is cheesy as hell, but its just the god damn truth. Filled with amazing character actors (and some amazing leading actors in amazing and sometimes unrecognizable cameos) and dozens of beautiful locations in and around Paris, I seriously dare you to watch this without a smile on your face the entire time. I'm not even that big of a Woody Allen fan (though I love Match Point), but the man won me over. Also, any movie with Michael Sheen is immediately enjoyable.
7. Mission Impossible-Ghost Protocol- In case you don't know me that well, allow me to share something. I love Tom Cruise. I mean, I fucking love Tom Cruise. Ok, now that you are aware, this movie still would have made the top ten even if Cruise was nowhere to be seen. Well, probably a few spots lower, but still. Not only is my man Tom bringing his A game here, the entire supporting cast has a much bigger spotlight than in any of the previous entries before it. Simon Pegg, Paula Patton and Jeremy Renner all have great moments that allow the audience to get to know and cheer for them. And first time live action director Brad Bird proves that you can direct incredible action sequences while letting the camera stay put and actually show the audience what is going on. Also, IMAX beats 3D.
6. The Tree of Life- This is a tough movie for me. Not necessarily brutal or hard to watch per se, just hard to talk about in much the same way The Deer Hunter was hard for me. I just can't seem to put my feeling towards these movies into words. I also must admit that I don't totally get it. All that stuff at the end especially. I just don't know what that was. Call me stupid. However, everything else is simply astounding. Brad Pitt's performance as a man desperately trying to be the best father he can be and utterly failing in a way that can only be called human is one of the best of his career, if not the best. Director Mallick seems to have gotten his second or maybe third wind in terms of filmmaking, with not one, not two, but three movies on the way. If any of them can come remotely close to reaching the heights of The Tree of Life, count me in.
5. 50/50- This is another one that I've only recently seen, and thus hasn't really had a chance to resonate in my brain yet, but my initial reaction watching it was too strong to ignore. One of the things that makes this one work so well, I think, is that it's a simple concept with simple execution. Joseph-Gordon Levitt, a seemingly healthy twenty-something is diagnosed with cancer and a 50/50 chance of survival. What follows is a wonderful journey of learning to deal with life and death with good friends, family, and surprisingly, humor. The cast is pitch perfect, the script is tight and to the point and in the end I can honestly say I was invested in what happened to these people. A great flick to check out, especially if you're in need of a pick me up.
4. Attack the Block- Aliens crash land in an urban London neighborhood and a group of teenagers fight to take back their block. Even though this movie can be summed up in one sentence, the amount of awesome this movie contains can only be enjoyed by watching the damn thing. Intense, exciting, topical and hilarious, Attack the Block is one of the best Sci-Fi movies of the new decade. This is definitely the movie I most regret not seeing with an Alamo audience last year. But even in the comfort of my couch, I found myself cheering and screaming our heroes along. Don't doubt, just watch. Trust.
3. Warrior- Holy god, this movie slapped me across the face with emotion. I honestly don't understand how more people haven't seen this. An incredible story about a family struggling to reconnect with each other and others struggling to stay connected. Amazingly realized and brutal fight scenes are a highlight, but for me it was the story of one brother and his wife that really sent this one over the edge. In no way have we experienced anything like what this couple onscreen did, but they are very realistic problems that could happen to anyone and it just made me appreciate things a little more. Please, spread the word and give this one a shot.
2. Fast Five-Man, even if you hate the Fast & Furious franchise, Fast Five will still make you cum a little. I love Vin, I love Dwayne, and I even love Paul. Seriously, this movie is a blast. Plain and simple. If you like fun, you will like this movie. FUCKING WATCH IT ALREADY.
1. Drive-No other movie this year crawled into my head harder or longer than Drive. The second it was over I immediately wanted to see it again. Gosling is the epitome of cool here, with his character never having to say anything more than he feels absolutely necessary. My absolute favorite performance of last year. Of course, you can't talk performances with this movie and not mention Albert Brooks. Of all the award snubs last year, Brooks easily takes the cake as the most glaring. Gawd this movie is cool. The tone, the music, the jacket. This movie is why I love movies.
So there you have it. I know I haven't been on here as much as I said I would. I'm hoping to remedy that. I've actually been working on My Mission a little bit and slowly hacking away at the dvds and blu rays that I own but have yet to watch so the plan is to use that as an excuse to get on here more.
So, until then, suck it.
50/50 made me cry.