Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Fighter

Again, I'm a little late in the game with this one, but I trust you don't care anyway.

The Fighter is a gem of a film. Every single person involved in this brought their A game, starting with my personal man-crush Christian Bale. Bale again transforms his body and becomes the crack-addicted brother to Wahlbergs boxing hopeful. It's the most charismatic Bale has been in a long time, even at his most cracked out you can't help but laugh at his jokes or forgive him for breaking every promise he throws at you.

In addition to Bale, you have Amy Adams and Melissa Leo giving equally amazing performances as Marky Mark's girlfriend and Mother. Adams in particular stands out for me. She goes from cute to adorable to kinda trashy yet proud and strong all in one scene.

I'm not trying to be mean, but it's actually Wahlberg who has the least to do here. That's not to say that he is in any way bad or unconvincing, because he absolutely does a great job. It's just that the other character's have a little more to show, a little more to overcome. Actually, now that I think about it, I think that may have been part of the point. He was simply surrounded by these over the top characters and could do nothing but react accordingly.

In short, The Fighter is not only a great sports film, but simply a great film period, one that shouldn't have trouble finding a spot on my favorite films of 2010.

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