Heat is awesome.
I feel as though most people would agree with that statement.
I know that not everyone likes good movies, and I appreciate the fact that for a lot of people, some movies just aren't "for them", but I feel that Heat is one film that anyone can not only appreciate, but straight up love.
So I was extra excited when Katy had finally agreed to watch it for the first time, after years of me telling her it was "essential to her existence".
As I hit play, I was more than confident that after the movie ended, Katy would be thanking me for finally making her watch this obvious masterpiece, and even ask when we could watch it again.
As the credits rolled, I sarcastically asked, " Did you hate it?" Horribly, she answered, " No, it was good, but I think you over-hyped it a bit."
I wanted to throw up.
It's Heat. HEAT. How can you over-hype it?? Mann, Pacino, De Niro, Cops, Robbers. I mean come on!!
I was able to keep my cool at the moment, and continued to have a very practical conversation about her wrong opinion, but as the night went on I couldn't help but think that maybe it was true. Maybe I had, indeed, over-hyped Heat.
I was heartbroken. Not only did Katy not love it, but I was the one who prevented her from doing so. After that realization, my mind began to delve deeper. Maybe Heat is a little over-hyped. Maybe I love it more for nostalgia than actual quality. Along with Die Hard with a vengeance, Heat was one of the first movies that made me love movies. But that didn't make sense. I had done nothing but stress my attraction for all things Willis from the beginning of our relationship, and still, she liked that movie.
So what was it then? Did I over-hype Heat? Was it just not as good as I remembered? Or was Katy just plain wrong?
These were hard questions for me, and after a few hours of soul searching I was finally able to reach a logical conclusion. Heat is awesome. I mean, it's Heat. Heat is awesome. I'm simply stating what I know to be fact.
I still love Katy though, and I plan on continuing to make her watch movies she may or may not love for the rest of our natural lives.
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