Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World

I really don't understand why this movie didn't do better. I've heard that some people were put off by the video game references and unrealistic fights. I don't know if thats true or not, but if it is then people are really, really stupid.

If you watch any trailer for Scott Pilgrim, it will show you exactly what you are getting when you watch the movie. Scott Pilgrim likes a girl, and in order to be with her he has to fight her 7 evil exes.

That is literally the entire movie in a nutshell, and it is an absolute joy to watch.

Edgar Wright and friends have created something so awesome, so funny, so epically incredible that i don't think there is a person out there who can't get even the smallest amount of enjoyment from it. If they can't, then they are Satan.

One of my particular favorite things about Pilgrim is Chris Evans. Besides the fact that I'm in love with him, he completely owns the film for every second he's on screen. His comedic timing is a thing of beauty and i really hopes he has the chance to do more comedy in the future, especially if its with Mr. Wright.

If you're one of the many people who did not see this movie, then i have judged you. After you have recovered from that ( you won't) then please do yourself a favor and watch it. It will literally make your life better.


  1. Why don't we talk about how HORRIBLE of an actor Michael Cera is. He ruins this film right from the beginning.
